CPU Scheduling Basics – Windows and SQL Server

In this post we’re going to introduce the basics of CPU scheduling.

In a computer system, only one thing can happen at a time. More specifically, only one task can be on a processor at a point in time. This can expand to several tasks if the system has multiple processors or a processor with multiple cores, which most modern systems have. For example, a four core system can potentially execute four tasks concurrently. 

So since only one task can be on a logical processor (or core) at one point in time, something has to manage which task gets access to the CPU. This is what the scheduler does. CPU scheduling is a very (VERY) deep topic and I’m going to introduce you to a couple basic concepts that can help you understand how scheduling works in Windows and SQL Server. So when you see things slow down in either of one of these technologies you know where you can start to look first.

If a task isn’t on a CPU, it’s not doing any processing. It’s simply waiting. Each CPU has its own task scheduler and the task scheduler is the thing that goes and assigns work to the logical CPU (or core).

Let’s check out a few examples of schedulers…

First up is Windows, it uses a preemptive, priority scheduler. This means processes with higher priority are allowed to access the CPU first, but also will stop a running process to schedule a higher priority process. Each process gets fixed amount of time on the processor, called a quantum, then Windows moves that process off the CPU and places into a queue waiting for access to the CPU again, so no one process dominates CPU time. 

SQL Server uses a non-preemptive, co-operative scheduler. Which also uses the quantum concept, but the task voluntarily yields and is switched off, placed into a queue waiting for access to the CPU again. Again, this ensures that no one task dominates the CPU, but here moving off the CPU is left up to the thread rather than the scheduler. In SQL Server a task is your work, that query you want to execute. A worker is the execution context of your work. A task is assigned to a worker, which is assigned to a scheduler for execution on the CPU. A scheduler is the manager of what gets on the CPU, there is one per logical processor.

Both Windows and SQL Server schedulers have a concept of process state and there are a couple of deeper nuances for each but here I’m going to generalize them into three states:

  • Running – a task executing on the CPU, an actively running process.
  • Waiting – a task is waiting on something before it can get back onto the CPU. For example, a process could be waiting on an I/O operating such as a read from a disk or network socket.
  • Runnable – a task waiting to get onto the CPU, nothing is preventing it from getting onto the CPU (no waiting)

You often hear CPU measured in percent CPU up to 100. But measuring CPU in terms of percent used is only part of the picture. I like to measure how long processes and tasks are waiting to get access to the CPU. Because what really we’re interested in, is how fast our work is progressing and it can only progress when it’s on a CPU doing work.

So here are a few basic ways to measure CPU pressure in terms of what’s waiting for access to a CPU

  • In Windows there’s a perfmon counter called processor queue length, anything in the queue is waiting to get onto the CPU. Each processor has its own queue. Check out a deeper dive here.
  • In SQL Server, we measure the number of tasks that are on the scheduler’s runnable queue, the lower the better. You can find that in the sys.dm_os_schedulers DMV in a column named runnable_task_count. Each CPU will have scheduler, and each will have a runnable task count. The query below will show you the runnable tasks, current tasks, and tasks waiting for a worker per scheduler. One row will be returned per scheduler.
select	  scheduler_id		--ID of the scheduler
	, cpu_id		--ID of the CPU
	, runnable_tasks_count	--a worker, with a task, waiting on CPU.
	, current_tasks_count	--total tasks associated with this scheduler.
	, work_queue_count	--total tasks waiting for a worker.
FROM sys.dm_os_schedulers
WHERE scheduler_id < 255
ORDER BY work_queue_count DESC

I hope this helps you get a basic understanding of CPU scheduling in Windows and SQL Server and starts you on a journey of learning more about how it works!

Feel free to contact me to discuss more!

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