Speaking at SQL Saturday Pensacola!

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Pensacola on June 3rd 2017! Check out the amazing schedule!

If you don’t know what SQLSaturday is, it’s a whole day of free SQL Server training available to you at no cost!

If you haven’t been to a SQLSaturday, what are you waiting for! Sign up now!

My presentation is **“Designing High Availability Database Systems using AlwaysOn Availability Groups” **


Are you looking for a high availability solution for your business critical application? You’re heard about AlwaysOn Availability Groups and they seem like a good solution, but you don’t know where to start. It all starts with a solid design. In this session we introduce the core concepts needed to design a Availability Group based system. Covering topics such as recovery objectives, replica placement, failover requirements, synchronization models, quorum, backup and recovery and monitoring. This session is modeled after real world client engagements conducted by Centino Systems that have lead to many successful Availability Groups based systems supporting tier 1 business critical applications.

**Learning Objectives: **

This session highlights the importance of doing thorough design work up front. Attendees will learn core concepts needed for successful Availability Group based systems. This includes, recovery objectives, replica placement, failover requirements, synchronization models, quorum, backup and recovery and monitoring. From this session attendees will have a firm footing on where to start when they start designing their AlwaysOn Availability Group based systems.