Updated Pluralsight Course – Configuring and Managing Kubernetes Storage and Scheduling

My updated course “Configuring and Managing Kubernetes Storage and Scheduling” is now available on Pluralsight here! If you want to learn about the course, check out the trailer here, or if you’re going to dive right in, check it out here!

This course teaches you how to decouple state and configuration from your Pod’s lifecycle using persistent storage and configuration as data and how to schedule Pods to Nodes in your Kubernetes cluster.

This course targets IT professionals that design and maintain Kubernetes and container-based solutions. The course can be used by the IT pro learning new skills and the system administrator or developer preparing for using Kubernetes both on-premises and in the Cloud.

Let’s take your Kubernetes administration and configuration skills to the next level and get you started now!

Key updates to the course include:

  • New techniques for tagging and pushing images with ctr (since docker is deprecated)
  • Immutable Secrets and ConfigMaps

The modules of the course are:

  • Configuring and Managing Storage in Kubernetes - This module introduces the need for persistent storage in container-based applications and then introduces Kubernetes storage objects that provide those services. Then we dive into the storage lifecycle and how Pods use Persistent Volumes (PV), and Persistent Volume Claims to consume storage. We then look closely at the types of PVs available and control access to PVs with access modes. Once we have the fundamentals down, you will learn how to use Static and Dynamic Provisioning to map Pods to their underlying storage.

  • Configuration as Data - Environment Variables, Secrets, and ConfigMaps - In this module, continuing the discussion on storage, we look at how to configure Pods using environment variables, secrets, and ConfigMaps. We begin with Pod configuration using environment variables and learn how to leverage secrets to configure Pod/container-based applications securely. Next, we see how to use ConfigMaps to decouple application and Pod configurations in our Pods.

  • Managing and Controlling the Kubernetes Scheduler - This module teaches how scheduling works and how we can influence the scheduler to help meet application requirements. We learn how to place Pods on specific nodes (or subsets of nodes) in the cluster, using the following techniques: Manually, Labels and Selectors, affinity and anti-affinity rules, Node cordoning, and finally, Taints and Tolerations. And also cover how resource limits impact scheduling.

Check out the course at Pluralsight!
