OpenSSH is now Part of Windows!
Today is a big day! The OpenSSH client version 7.6p1 is now part of the Windows 10 operating system! Microsoft released Windows 10 Update 1803 and included in that release is the OpenSSH client, which is installed as part of the update.
That’s right an SSH client as part of the Windows operating system by default! Also included with this update is the OpenSSH Server which is included as an Windows Feature on Demand.
Let’s take a look at what this is all made of!
Start off by updating your system to Windows 10, version 1803. You can do this via your normal Windows Update mechanism.
Here you see I have installed Windows 10, version 1803.

With that, let’s look at what we got in the update! We’ll search our Windows Capabilities (Features)
PS C:\> Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object -Property Name -Like "OpenSSH*" Name : OpenSSH.Client~~~~ State : Installed Name : OpenSSH.Server~~~~ State : NotPresent
Cool, so we know OpenSSH is installed, but where? Let’s check out C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH</span>
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ Directory: C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 3/10/2018 12:20 PM 343552 scp.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 8:20 PM 355840 sftp-server.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 12:20 PM 408064 sftp.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 12:20 PM 531968 ssh-add.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 12:20 PM 495616 ssh-agent.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 12:20 PM 657920 ssh-keygen.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 12:20 PM 594944 ssh-keyscan.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 8:20 PM 154624 ssh-shellhost.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 12:20 PM 894464 ssh.exe -a---- 3/10/2018 8:20 PM 970752 sshd.exe -a---- 1/30/2018 7:55 PM 2143 sshd_config_default
Let’s look a littler closer at the ssh.exe
PS C:\> C:\windows\system32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe -V OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.6p1, LibreSSL 2.6.4
So this looks like all of the usual suspects in an OpenSSH installation. But it does look like sshd.exe and ssh_config_default came along for the ride during the update even though we didn’t install the OpenSSH.Server Feature! More on that in my next blog post…
A big shoutout goes out to the PowerShell team for making this happen, check out the project on GitHub. The code is here and the issues and releases are here!