
Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 5 - Checking Replication Status

Introduction Welcome back to the fifth installment of our blog series on using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this post, we’re diving into a hands-on demonstration of using the Pure Storage FlashArray API to track replication performance between two arrays. This is especially useful for DBAs and storage admins, who must ensure their data replication processes run smoothly and efficiently. A typical scenario here is ensuring a snapshot is entirely replicated between sites before kicking off some other process.

Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 4 - Classifying Workloads With FlashArray Tags

Welcome back to the fourth installment of our blog series on using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this post, you’ll learn how to use Purity Tags to classify workloads, giving you the ability to search and manage resources in FlashArray and Cloud Block Store based on the types of workloads you’re running. Using the techniques in this post, combined with those learned in our last post, Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 3 - Getting Performance Data from FlashArray you can retrieve information about subsets of objects in your FlashArray or Cloud Block Store across several performance dimensions.

Understanding I/O Freeze in SQL Server 2022's TSQL Snapshot Backups

SQL Server 2022 introduces a new feature to enable application-consistent snapshot backups. TSQL Snapshot Backups enable the SQL Server to control the database quiesce without external tools. Using TSQL Snapshot backups enables instantaneous restores, independent of the size of data, for a database, group, or server backups, including point-in-time recovery. When you use this feature, it freezes I/O. You’ll see a record like this in your error log when you execute the command ALTER DATABASE TestDB1 SET SUSPEND_FOR_SNAPSHOT_BACKUP = ON.

Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 3 - Getting Performance Data from FlashArray

Welcome back to the third installment of our blog series on using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this post, we’ll learn how to retrieve performance data from FlashArray and Cloud Block Store. Here, you’ll uncover the intricacies of extracting performance data across several object types, including Volumes and Hosts. We will dig into the object model that exposes crucial performance insights. Moreover, we’ll delve into the realm of performance analysis, addressing common customer questions such as:

Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 2 - Working With Data

Welcome back to the second installment of our series on using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this post, we’ll dive into working with object data using Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. When it comes to manipulating data in PowerShell, the ability to effortlessly pipe objects and their associated data between cmdlets is a game-changer. However, when it comes to Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2, there’s an even more efficient way to handle this.

Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 1 - Connecting to FlashArray

Welcome to our blog series on using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this series, we will provide you with practical insights and examples on how to harness the power of the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2 to enhance your storage management capabilities. Throughout this series, we will cover a wide range of topics, including performance data gathering, snapshot management, performance bottleneck identification, and resource management within your FlashArray and Cloud Block Store.

Getting SQL Agent Jobs and Job Steps Configuration

Recently I needed to take a look at all of the SQL Server Agent Jobs and their Jobs Steps for a customer. Specifically, I needed to review all of the Jobs and Job Steps for Ola Hallengren’s Maintenance Solution and look at the Backup, Index Maintenance and Integrity Jobs to ensure they’re configured properly and also account for any customizations and one-offs in the Job definitions. This customer has dozens of SQL Server instances and well, I wasn’t about to click through everything in SSMS…and writing this in TSQL would have been a good candidate for a Ph.

Speaking at PSConf EU 2020

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at PSConf EU 2020 in Hannover, Germany. The conference runs from 2 June 2020 to 5 June 2020 and brings together some of the titans of the PowerShell community and members of the PowerShell team from Microsoft. <p> This is an incredible event packed with fantastic, deep dive content. <a href="https://psconf.eu/schedule">Check out the amazing schedule</a>! Head on over to the site and <a href="https://psconf.

Speaking at PowerShell Summit 2020!

I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2020 the conference runs from April 27th through April 30. This is an incredible event packed with fantastic content and speakers. Check out the amazing schedule! All the data you need on going is in this excellent brochure right here! <p> This year I have two sessions! </p> <p> On Wednesday<strong>, April 29th at 09:00AM</strong> &#8211; I’m presenting “<a href="https://sessions.

Restoring Backups from Azure Blob with dbatools

Recently I needed to write a PowerShell script that could build a backup set from a collection of backups stored in Azure Blob Storage without any backup history available from MSDB. And as with all things SQL Server and PowerShell related I went straight to dbatools.io to see if Restore-DbaDatabase was up to the task…and of course, it is…let’s talk about how I solved this challenge. When restoring from Azure Blob, the main challenge you have is accessing the blobs and building a backup set.