Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 4 - Classifying Workloads With FlashArray Tags

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Welcome back to the fourth installment of our blog series on using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this post, you’ll learn how to use Purity Tags to classify workloads, giving you the ability to search and manage resources in FlashArray and Cloud Block Store based on the types of workloads you’re running. Using the techniques in this post, combined with those learned in our last post, Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 3 - Getting Performance Data from FlashArray you can retrieve information about subsets of objects in your FlashArray or Cloud Block Store across several performance dimensions.

If you want to deep dive how into what a Tag is and how ot add, remove, and retrieve objects using Purity Tags, check out my post Working With Tags in FlashArray using PowerShell or the official documentation.

Using Tags to Add Application Context to Objects In Purity

When you apply Tags to an object, you add additional information to that object. You can add Tags to many objects in Purity, Volumes, Hosts, Host Groups, and Snapshots. Then, you can perform operations on those objects based on the Tags applied to them. In Purity, we can retrieve a set of objects based on the Tags, then take the set of objects and pass that into another PowerShell cmdlet or, more generally, into another call into an API Endpoint. In this post, we’ll focus on PowerShell.

That’s what we will do in this post: first, we’ll apply Tags to a collection of objects. We’ll then query our FlashArray to get a listing of objects that match a query; we will then take that listing of objects and pass that back into a PowerShell cmdlet to query the performance and space data associated with that subset of objects. Using this technique, we can start to analyze data in the array based on application context.

I’m a database professional, so we’ll use SQL Server as an example workload in this post. But you can use this technique to classify any workload, perhaps VMware ESXi Hosts, Host Groups, or Volumes for specific VMware clusters. We can go up stack a bit and classify workloads by application type: SAP, ERP, Financial systems, or even which environment like production, development, test, and more. You can tag many types of objects in Purity, Volumes, Hosts, Host Groups, and Snapshots. But in this post, the examples I will use are Volumes associated with SQL Server Instances. We will build a tagging scheme that will enable us to identify if a Volume is associated with a SQL Server and the name of the SQL Server with which Volume it is associated.

Now let’s dive into some examples; in this post, using this technique, you’ll be able to answer questions like:

  • What’s the space accounting information for all Volumes associated with SQL Servers?
  • What’s the data reduction information for all Volumes associated with SQL Servers?
  • What are the hottest Volumes in terms of I/O for all of my SQL Servers?

Let’s get started.

Getting a List of Volumes Associated with our Workload

First, we’ll want to assign Tags to some Volumes in our FlashArray. The naming convention for Volumes in my array includes the server’s hostname in the volume name, so I can quickly build these two sets by searching for those strings in the Volume name. In the code below, I’m using Get-Pfa2Volume to build two sets of Volumes, one for a SQL Server named aen-sql-22-a and the other aen-sql-22-b. I’m also using the -Filter parameter to search all Volumes that match the string and then assign the output to a variable. We learned about filtering in the post Using the Pure Storage PowerShellSDK2 - Part 2 - Working With Data. We could certainly Tag each Volume one at a time, but what’s the fun? We can use this technique to handle this programmatically.

$VolumesSqlA = Get-Pfa2Volume -Array $FlashArray -Filter "name='*aen-sql-22-a*'" | 
    Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name

$VolumesSqlB = Get-Pfa2Volume -Array $FlashArray -Filter "name='*aen-sql-22-b*'" | 
    Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name

With those variables loaded with data, we can output them to verify they’re loaded appropriately. Here’s the contents of $VolumesSqlA



And here’s the contents of $VolumesSqlB.



So now we have two sets of Volumes; let’s move on and next apply Tags to those Volumes so that we can add application context to these Volumes.

Building a Tagging Structure for Application Context

Next up, we need to define our Tag structure. When using a Tag, we define a namespace, a key, and a value. A namespace is like a folder, a way to order a set of Tags. A tag is a key/value pair that can be attached to an object in Purity, such as a volume, host, host group, or snapshot. Tags enable you to attach additional metadata to objects for classification, sorting, and searching.

I’m defining a Tag structure in the code below; with this structure, I can tell if a Volume is associated with an SQL Server and which SQL Server Instance it’s associated with. First, let’s name the TagNamespace AnthonyNamespace because I’m creative like that. Second, the TagKey is SQLInstance. This tells me the tagged object is associated with a SQL Server instance. And then I defined two TagValues first, TagValueSqlA, which has a value of aen-sql-22-a, and TagValueSqlB, which has the value of aen-sql-22-b. This tells me this object is associated with a specific SQL Server instance in my environment. With this structure, I can assign these Tags to Volumes to quickly identify if a Volume is associated with SQL Server and which specific SQL Server instance is in my environment.

$TagNamespace = 'AnthonyNamespace'
$TagKey = 'SqlInstance'
$TagValueSqlA = 'aen-sql-22-a'
$TagValueSqlB = 'aen-sql-22-b'

Tagging Volumes

So now that we have our Tagging structure defined, let’s use that to assign Tags to the sets of Volumes we retrieved earlier which are stored in the variables $VolumesSqlA and $VolumesSqlB. In the code below, we use Set-Pfa2VolumeTagBatch to do just that. And let’s unpack this cmdlet and its parameters. First, the parameter -Array is an object with our FlashArray connection. -TagNamespace is the namespace we will store our Tags in; we’re using the variable $TagNamespace, which we initiated in the last section. Next, for -ResourceNames, we pass in a list of objects to which the Tags are applied. Here, we pass in the set of Volumes we populated earlier in the post, $VolumesSqlA. After that, -TagKey, passing in the variable $TagKey, which has a value of SqlInstance, tells us that this Volume is associated with a SQL Server Instance. Finally, -TagValue, passed in the variable $TagValueSqlA, represents a SQL Instance’s name; here, its value is aen-sql-22-a.

So let’s apply those Tags to all the Volumes associated with the SQL Server instance named aen-sql-22-a.

Set-Pfa2VolumeTagBatch -Array $FlashArray -TagNamespace $TagNamespace -ResourceNames $VolumesSqlA -TagKey $TagKey -TagValue $TagValueSqlA

Executing the cmdlet will immediately write the Tag output for all the resources tagged to the console. So here you see each of the Volumes tagged and the Key, Namespace, the Resource tagged, including both the Id and its Name , and finally the tag Value.

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='50b57085-75cd-7a0c-7ec4-a7d3f91ea22b'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Config-81e9c6b8'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='152f99fc-1757-500a-e805-82750978d93e'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-47094663'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='4da7bcb9-15c9-a87f-acf1-c9fc9833733b'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-701193f8'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='cb5c9a63-ee11-c288-a2ba-e5f11ee88e0e'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-620d202b'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='50865654-638c-7a11-25c6-8c0d22f4c84d'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-87ee3d7c'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='3555d5c2-7dda-2722-e3de-bf7c0df067c3'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-77084035'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='48a94f98-b16c-aa20-1fd1-3d935bd04806'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-cabce242'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Now, let’s go ahead and tag that second set of Volumes. Here’s the code to tag all Volumes associated with aen-sql-22-b.

Set-Pfa2VolumeTagBatch -Array $FlashArray -TagNamespace $TagNamespace -ResourceNames $VolumesSqlB -TagKey $TagKey -TagValue $TagValueSqlB

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='be9efb9f-538e-f00c-ce60-ddcd05ab9d68'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Swap-80dfb009'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='d4b81c05-79b5-3bfa-ccf3-306364036d4e'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Config-8419eb12'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='6c527c17-6387-c5a9-b5f8-01c884e7fb1d'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-91f04fdb'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='4224be1b-34a3-f820-7340-bf68a745dde0'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-c01d7ed3'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='290f725d-f53d-969a-ab5a-bb6720cab6d2'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-60a20eb7'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='2a9e011d-bbb9-8244-7d78-ed336d3dbf95'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-700eaca4'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='fd3be0d2-1ddd-10c5-24ab-c235255c0835'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-d6a7747f'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='9b8381c8-75df-9a6f-63f0-d89737e5b23c'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-f08e715f'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='4c91be80-ad0e-bfe2-4db2-bc9a29ee7ae7'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Swap-8469cce4'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-b

Building a Set of Tagged Objects

We can use Tags to operate on a set of resources; in our case, that’s our sets of Volumes. Now, let’s list Volumes in our array based on a Tag. And in the code below, I’m using Get-Pfa2VolumeTag to do that. I’m getting all the Volumes with the Key value that matches the string SqlInstance. Based on our tagging scheme, this will give me all of the Volumes in our array associated with SQL Server instances. When we run the code below, $SqlVolumes will be populated with that list of Volumes.

$SqlVolumes = Get-Pfa2VolumeTag -Array $FlashArray -Namespaces $TagNamespace -Filter "Key='SqlInstance'"

Let’s take a second to revisit the structure of a tagged object. In the output below, we have one Volume’s tag output. Looking at the Resource property, you can find the Id and the Name of the resource. The Id is a unique identifier for this resource in the array. The Name is the string name for that object. When working with cmdlets and, more generally, the API, you’ll refer to objects by their Id. And you’ll see this in the upcoming example.


Copyable  : True
Key       : SqlInstance
Namespace : AnthonyNamespace
Resource  : @{Id='50b57085-75cd-7a0c-7ec4-a7d3f91ea22b'; Name='vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Config-81e9c6b8'}
Value     : aen-sql-22-a

Getting Space Data for Sets of Tagged Volumes

Now, with $SqlVolumes populated with a listing of all Volumes associated with SQL Server Instances, we can pass that variable into many of our performance cmdlets to get data about those objects. We will first look at Get-Pfa2VolumeSpace. With this cmdlet, we can get the space data associated with Volumes stored in that variable. The cmdlet Get-Pfa2VolumeSpace’s parameter -Id takes a List<> of Id values. These are the Ids we introduced in the last section. You can access the Ids of every object in $SqlVolumes with the code $SqlVolumes.Resource.Id and pass that into the cmdlet Get-Pfa2VolumeSpace cmdlet, which will then process each object in the List<> and return data for each of objects. And that’s what we see below…the space accounting data for every Volume in our array associated with a SQL Server instance.

I’m formatting the output with Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Space to get access to the space accounting data and then passing that into Format-Table to make this more human-readable.

Get-Pfa2VolumeSpace -Array $FlashArray -Id $SqlVolumes.Resource.Id | 
    Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Space | 

Name                                            DataReduction Shared  Snapshots System ThinProvisioning TotalPhysical TotalProvisioned TotalReduction    Unique
----                                            ------------- ------  --------- ------ ---------------- ------------- ---------------- --------------    ------
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Config-8419eb12           2.828                 0                   0.996       5354044       4294967296        797.372   5354044
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-91f04fdb            16.476                 0                   0.860     596377613     107374182400        117.802 596377613
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Config-81e9c6b8         2.516           1793122                   0.997       6357217       4294967296        934.452   4564095
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-47094663          14.648        2080325972                   0.857    2814822262     107374182400        102.263 734496290
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-701193f8           5.073        1196464354                   0.982    1552160502     107374182400        287.171 355696148
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-620d202b           6.281          33167388                   0.999      52484597     107374182400       5117.587  19317209
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-87ee3d7c          40.597            925395                   1.000       1752037   10995116277760     224583.469    826642
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-77084035          41.226           2229985                   0.609       3751580     549755813888        105.487   1521595
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-cabce242          41.234           8839986                   0.728      21529120   21990232555520        151.382  12689134
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Swap-80dfb009           1.000                 0                   1.000             0      17179869184          1.000         0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-c01d7ed3             4.966                 0                   0.980     404624133     107374182400        253.355 404624133
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-60a20eb7            16.929                 0                   0.999       3082713     107374182400      22587.420   3082713
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-700eaca4            40.995                 0                   1.000        306990   10995116277760     226788.391    306990
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-d6a7747f            41.233                 0                   0.609        616516     549755813888        105.503    616516
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-f08e715f            41.227                 0                   0.728      41216859   21990232555520        151.355  41216859
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Swap-8469cce4             1.000                 0                   1.000             0      17179869184          1.000         0

The data returned isn’t ordered. So, we can combine this with the -Sort parameter to sort our data based on a property in the set returned. And here, we’re sorting on data reduction by using the property space.data_reduction. That’s pretty cool; now we have all the space accounting data for all Volumes associated with SQL Servers in our FlashArray. You can extend this to sort on any of the returned properties. Go ahead and try a few yourself.

Get-Pfa2VolumeSpace -Array $FlashArray -Id $SqlVolumes.Resource.Id -Sort "space.data_reduction" | 
    Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Space | 

Name                                            DataReduction Shared  Snapshots System ThinProvisioning TotalPhysical TotalProvisioned TotalReduction    Unique
----                                            ------------- ------  --------- ------ ---------------- ------------- ---------------- --------------    ------
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Swap-80dfb009           1.000                 0                   1.000             0      17179869184          1.000         0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Swap-8469cce4             1.000                 0                   1.000             0      17179869184          1.000         0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Config-8419eb12           3.042                 0                   0.995       6665740       4294967296        641.722   6665740
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Config-81e9c6b8         3.176           5300081                   0.995      11913574       4294967296        645.318   6613493
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-c01d7ed3             5.108                 0                   0.977     465069227     107374182400        223.254 465069227
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-701193f8           5.332        2755136923                   0.982    3105507690     107374182400        294.042 350370767
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-620d202b           5.471          84975893                   0.998     118057678     107374182400       3091.225  33081785
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-60a20eb7            13.163                 0                   0.999       4831997     107374182400      17578.674   4831997
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-47094663          16.239        5315324034                   0.833    6118747901     107374182400         97.125 803423867
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-91f04fdb            18.881                 0                   0.861     531651931     107374182400        136.096 531651931
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-87ee3d7c          50.756           1851823                   1.000       2076568   10995116277760     280776.562    224745
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-700eaca4            51.004                 0                   1.000         22785   10995116277760     282151.969     22785
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-cabce242          51.024          46445312                   0.728      66313174   21990232555520        187.322  19867862
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-77084035          51.025           2170291                   0.609       2816027     549755813888        130.558    645736
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-d6a7747f            51.026                 0                   0.609        526543     549755813888        130.561    526543
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-f08e715f            51.032                 0                   0.728        167306   21990232555520        187.352    167306

Getting Performance Data for Sets of Tagged Volumes

You can use this Tagging technique with many of the cmdlets available in the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2 module. Let’s look at another cmdlet. Let’s get the performance data for all the Volumes associated with SQL Servers in our FlashArray with Get-Pfa2VolumePerformance. In the code below, we pass in the listing of our Volumes’ Ids with $SqlVolumes.Resource.Id into the parameter Ids, and the cmdlet returns the performance data for all those Volumes. Additionally, we’re using the -Sort parameter to sort the data by reads_per_sec descending. We then pipe that output to Select-Object, accessing the specific properties we’re interested in, and Format-Table to make the output more human-readable.

With this below code, I can quickly identify which SQL Server volume is performing the most read IO in my environment. We can extend this to any of the other performance dimensions available. I encourage you to test some others out; perhaps latency (UsecPerReadOp UsecPerWriteOp) is interesting to you, or IO Size (ReadBytesPerSec, WriteBytesPerSec).

Get-Pfa2VolumePerformance -Array $FlashArray -Id $SqlVolumes.Resource.Id -Sort "reads_per_sec-" | 
    Select-Object Name, BytesPerRead, BytesPerWrite, ReadBytesPerSec, ReadsPerSec, WriteBytesPerSec, WritesPerSec, UsecPerReadOp, UsecPerWriteOp | 

Name                                            BytesPerRead BytesPerWrite ReadBytesPerSec ReadsPerSec WriteBytesPerSec WritesPerSec UsecPerReadOp UsecPerWriteOp
----                                            ------------ ------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------ ------------- --------------
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-cabce242         524288             0      2808232064        5356                0            0          1426              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-f08e715f             8192             0         2932341         358                0            0          1039              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Config-8419eb12              0          2048               0           0             4095            2             0            289
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-91f04fdb                0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Config-81e9c6b8            0          1280               0           0             5119            4             0            227
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-47094663              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-701193f8              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-620d202b              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-87ee3d7c              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-77084035              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Swap-80dfb009              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-c01d7ed3                0          4096               0           0             4095            1             0            293
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-60a20eb7                0         30976               0           0            61944            2             0            351
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-700eaca4                0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Data-d6a7747f                0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-b-9b9a3477-vg/Swap-8469cce4                0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-af7c2ace              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-e2e858fa              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0
vvol-aen-sql-22-a-1-3d9acfdd-vg/Data-34318368              0             0               0           0                0            0             0              0

Wrapping Things Up and Key Take Aways

In this post, we looked at how to classify objects in your arrays using Tags. By demonstrating how to apply Tags to Volumes associated with SQL Server instances, this post provides a practical example of using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2 capabilities to classify workloads with Tags and gain insights into space accounting and performance metrics. Remember, you can apply Tags to many objects in your arrays, Hosts, Host Groups, Volumes, and Snapshots. You can also build a tagging structure that allows you to classify many workload types. With the ability to search and manage resources based on workload types, users can enhance their efficiency and streamline operations within FlashArray and Cloud Block Store environments.

Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2 Blog Series

This article is part of a blog series covering the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. Check out the other posts in this series:

You can find the supporting code for this blog series at this GitHub Repo and you can watch a webinar Unlocking the Full Potential of Pure Storage with APIs which has a walk-through of all of these demos.