
PowerShell Remoting in Multi-Platform Environments using OpenSSH

So in my last post I told you about how I started my journey on learning PowerShell, let’s keep going down that path together. In this post I’m going to introduce PowerShell Remoting in Multi-Platform Environments, specifically using OpenSSH. We’ll discuss WinRM in multi-platform systems in an upcoming post. Have you ever had to execute a command against one system or a collection of systems? Have you ever wanted a remote shell on a Windows system?

Why PowerShell?

Why do I use PowerShell? Well, here’s a little back story…last year I was involved in a Pluralsight Play by Play with Jason Helmick and Jeffrey Snover for launch of Open PowerShell on Linux and Mac. Before this video, I didn’t take PowerShell seriously. Basically, if I Google’d a problem and found a solution in PowerShell I would grind my teeth and copy and paste the text into the foreign blue console and cross my fingers.

Speaking at PowerShell Summit!

Speaking at PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2017! I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking at PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2017 on the conference runs from April 9th 2017 through April 12th 2017. This is an incredible event packed with fantastic content and speakers. Check out the amazing schedule! <p> This year I have two sessions! </p> <p> On <strong>Tuesday, April 10th at 10:00AM</strong> &#8211; My session is with none other the <a href="https://twitter.

Using dbatools for automated restore and CHECKDB

OK, so if you haven’t heard of the dbatools.io project run by Chrissy LeMaire and company…you’ve likely been living under a rock. I strongly encourage you to check it out ASAP. What they’re doing will make your life as a DBA easier…immediately. Here’s an example… One of the things I like to do as a DBA is backup my databases, restore them to another server and run CHECKDB on them. There are some cmdlets in the dbatools project, in particular the Snowball release, that really make this easy.

TugaIT – Pre-conference workshop on PowerShell on Linux

Where – Thursday, May 18, 2017 Where – TUGA IT – Lisbon, Portugal Full Day Session – “Open Source PowerShell on Linux – Skills to Manage Your Heterogenous Data Center“ Registration Link – https://app.weventual.com/detalheEvento.action?iDEvento=4011 Early Bird Price – before 03/18/2017 – 150€ Normal Price – before 05/01/2017 – 200€ Late Registration – 05/18/2017 – 250€ PowerShell is now available on Linux and Mac and you want to use it to manage your multi-platform data center.

Speaking at PowerShell Virtual Group of PASS

This month I’ll be speaking to the PowerShell Virtual Chapter of PASS. The session is on Linux OS Fundamentals for the SQL Admin. At the core of the session we will introduce you to OS concepts like managing files and file systems, installation packages, using PowerShell on Linux, managing system services, commands and processes and system resource management. This session is intended for those who have never seen or have very little exposure to Linux but are seasoned Windows or SQL administrators.

Building Open Source PowerShell

Open Source PowerShell is available on several operating systems, that really what’s special about the whole project! To get PowerShell to function on these various systems we need to build (compile) the software in that environment. This is what will produce the actual executable program that is powershell. To facilitate the build process the PowerShell team has documented how to do this for the currently available platforms, Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Configuring Passwordless PowerShell Remoting over SSH

Open Source PowerShell has been on fire, getting tons of community support and really making people think about what’s to come with a single language to manage a heterogenous data center. To highlight this point, in my recent Pluralsight Play By Play Microsoft Open Source PowerShell on Linux and Mac with Jason Helmick and Jeffrey Snover I did a demo on using PowerShell remoting where I connected from a Linux machine to three other machines and retrieved lists of top processes from each…two Linux and one Windows.

Open Source PowerShell – Play by Play

What’s going on here? So last week you may have seen this picture on Twitter…it went a little crazy…and you may have been wondering what are we up to? Well, last week I had the pleasure of filming a Pluralsight Play By Play. A Play By Play is a course on Pluralsight but in a slightly different format than you may be used to. A Play By Play bring together industry experts to discuss and demonstrate an emerging technology.

Setting PowerShell as your default Linux shell

In this post we’re going set PowerShell as your default Linux shell. What is a shell? In Linux systems you’re given options, tons of options, you can set, reconfigure, add/remove almost anything that you want. And one of those options is your shell. The shell is the thing that you interact with when you’re typing commands at the command line. Different shells have different behaviors and characteristics. It’s a very personal choice.